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A szükséges sütik döntő fontosságúak a weboldal alapvető funkciói szempontjából, és a weboldal ezek nélkül nem fog megfelelően működni.Ezek a sütik nem tárolnak személyazonosításra alkalmas adatokat.

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A teljesítmény-sütiket a weboldal kulcsfontosságú teljesítménymutatóinak megértésére és elemzésére használják, amelyek hozzájárulnak a látogatók jobb felhasználói élményének biztosításához.

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A hirdetési sütiket arra használják, hogy a látogatókat személyre szabott hirdetésekkel juttassák el a korábban meglátogatott oldalak alapján, és elemezzék a hirdetési kampány hatékonyságát.

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Katie Willmore

Principal and Manager


MS/Mphil degree, PhD degree

Working Hours

Monday to Friday: 8.30am – 02.00pm

Saturday, Sunday: Close

Social Sharing

Teacher Details

We are constantly expanding the range of services offered, taking care of children of all ages. Our goal is to carefully educate and develop children in a fun way. We strive to turn the learning process into a bright event so that children study with pleasure. We are constantly expanding the range of services offered, taking care of children of all ages. Our goal is to carefully educate and develop children in a fun way. We strive to turn the learning process into a bright event so that children study with pleasure. We are constantly expanding the range of services offered, taking care of children of all ages. Our goal is to carefully educate and develop children in a fun way. We strive to turn the learning process into a bright event so that children study with pleasure. We are constantly expanding the range of services offered, taking care of children of all ages. Our goal is to carefully educate and develop children in a fun way. We strive to turn the learning process into a bright event so that children study with pleasure.
Our goal is to carefully educate and develop children in a fun way. We strive to turn the learning process into a bright event so that children study with pleasure. We are constantly expanding the range of services offered, taking care of children of all ages. Our goal is to carefully educate and develop children in a fun way. We strive to turn the learning process into a bright event so that children study with pleasure.

What We Provide


Learning & Fun

Our goal is to carefully educate and develop children in a fun way. We strive learning process into a bright.


Healthy Meals

Our goal is to carefully educate and develop children in a fun way. We strive learning process into a bright.


Children Safety

Our goal is to carefully educate and develop children in a fun way. We strive learning process into a bright.


Cute Environment

Our goal is to carefully educate and develop children in a fun way. We strive learning process into a bright.


Varied Classes

Our goal is to carefully educate and develop children in a fun way. We strive learning process into a bright.


Full Day Sessions

Our goal is to carefully educate and develop children in a fun way. We strive learning process into a bright.

What Parents Say

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